The difference it makes to live with hope

“but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,”
— 1 Peter 3:15, ESV

There is a big difference in the quality of life between those who are living with hope and those who are living without it. When the Bible uses the term "hope", it's describing something that's certain. It's speaking of a promise that's anchored in the Lord's very nature. To live with hope is to live with complete confidence that everything Christ has promised will come to pass.

Living with hope has a huge impact on our daily demeanor. It fosters an optimistic perspective. It contributes to our ability to keep trials and setbacks in proper perspective. It helps us avoid getting "stuck in a moment" or mistakenly believing that things won't improve. Our futures are secure in Jesus, and He has given us everything good to look forward to.

If this is the kind of perspective that dominates your life, you're likely to draw some attention. At some point, someone who knows you well is going to ask you, "What's your secret? How can you be joyful in a moment like this?" When that day comes, gently and respectfully share that the secret to real hope, and the source of your lasting joy, is found in Jesus.

© John Stange, 2020


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